Contact Information

First Name:  

Middle Name:  

Last Name:  

Preferred or Chosen Name:  


Address Line Two:  



Zip Code:  


Would You Prefer To Be Contacted Via Text Message?:  


Program or specific position desired:  

If you are applying for a nursing position, please provide license number:  

I have a current CNA license:  

CNA Certificate # (if applicable):  

I have a valid driver's license:  

I would be available to work in the Duluth area:  

I would be available to work in or around Carlton County:  

I would be available to work in or around Virginia:  

I would be available to work in or around Two Harbors:  

Previous DRCC Employee:  

If Previously Employed by DRCC, Which Program(s)?:  

I Am Willing To Work Up/Awake Overnights (paid at hourly wage + $1 differential per hour):  

I Am Willing To Work Sleep Overnights (sleep overnights has a stipend of $60 per night):  

I Want To Work Part Time:  

I Want To Work Full Time:  

If Employee Referral, Please List Name:  

Are you 18 years of age or older?:  

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■   5629 Grand Ave.   ■   Duluth, MN 55807   ■   (218) 722-8180   ■   ■