In 1966, a group of concerned parents and professionals organized DRCC as a private
non-profit corporation to meet the residential needs of teenagers and adults who were
developmentally disabled. At that time, there were few community programs. Because
this was a novel concept, the Board of Directors faced a lengthy process of enlisting
community and government support to accomplish their goal. Due to the efforts of the Board, the encouragement of St. Louis County Social Services and the financial and volunteer assistance from ARC Duluth, the Ordean Foundation, the Junior League of Duluth, and the Rotary Club, Baldwin House was developed and the first people entered the program in late 1971. Although some of the terminology and processes have changed over the years, the Board’s vision in 1966 has served as DRCC’s guiding principles throughout its existence. That is, people with developmental disabilities need and want the same types of things that everyone wants: a nurturing home in which to live; supportive friends; a satisfying job; and the freedom to make decisions about one's life. Today, DRCC serves more than 400 individuals throughout northeastern Minnesota. Individuals live in their own homes and apartments, with their families, and in small group homes. DRCC provides staff to support individuals in pursuing the goals and dreams they have for themselves. |
"We are so incredibly fortunate our son lives in a DRCC program where the staff go above-and beyond the call of duty to help him live a rich and meaningful life. We are grateful for DRCC and their outstanding staff." |